The Vale of Glamorgan PSB has been established for partners to work together to improve the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of the Vale of Glamorgan. The PSB was set up through the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act and builds on a long history of effective partnership working in the Vale of Glamorgan.
The Well-Being of Future Generations Act:
The Act came into effect in April 2016 and is the only piece of legislation of its kind in the world. It represents a significant opportunity for improving and changing life in the Vale of Glamorgan, and in Wales as a whole. The Act sets out how public bodies in Wales should work together to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales. To do this, the Act ensures that public bodies deliver their work in-line with the Sustainable Development (SD) principle; that is, to act in a manner which seeks to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs.
The Act has established seven national well-being goals for Wales, which are shown in the circle below, through our Well-being Plan and our work, the PSB will work towards delivering all the national goals.
To deliver the seven goals and its principles, the Act sets out Five Ways of Working, The ways of working, as shown below, ensure that public bodies and PSBs think more about the long-term, involve people in decision making, work better with citizens, communities and each other, look to prevent problems from occurring and take a more joined up approach. By working together and implementing the five ways of working we can create a Vale of Glamorgan and a Wales that we want to live in, now and into the future. Further information on the Well-being of Future Generations Act is available through the Welsh Government's Essentials Guide.

Future Generations Commissioner:

The Well-being of Future Generations Act also established a Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. Their role is to help public bodies and those who make policy in Wales to think about the long-term impact their decisions may have. The commissioners' role is to:
- Provide advice to Public Bodies and Public Services Boards
- Carry out reviews into how public bodies are taking account of the long-term impact of their decisions
- Make recommendations following a review
The Commissioner has provided advice to the PSB in its development of its Well-being Plan, and formal feedback on the Plan as a whole. Both are available on our Well-being Plan page.
Our Main Tasks:
The PSB is responsible for progressing a number of key tasks, these include:
To talk with our residents and use data and research to understand more about our communities to help us know how we can improve life across the Vale of Glamorgan. This work is known as our Well-being Assessment.
To develop a Well-being Plan which sets out our well-being objectives, our statements of how we aim to go about improving life in the Vale. We have used the evidence in our assessment to inform our objectives and develop a Well-being Plan which maximises our contribution to the seven national well-being goals for Wales. Through our Plan we have set out a number of steps which we will work towards in order to achieve our well-being objectives.
To continue the conversations started with our communities through our Let's Talk activities; understanding what's important and reporting back on the progress we have made in delivering our Well-being Plan, its objectives and steps. To keep residents and partners informed on the progress of the PSB, we will produce an annual report, in addition to other updates throughout the year.
Further information on how the board operates can be found in the PSB's
Terms of Reference